KY Annual Conference

As I sit and reflect on this year’s Annual Conference I am once again humbled to be serving the Lord through the KY United Methodist Church.  I was able to reconnect with pastors and laity that I have not seen since the last time I was at conference.  I was able to worship corporately with the members of the conference from all over the state.  I was touched by the stories of ministries being done by “small churches” to reach into their communities and make a difference in the Kingdom of God.  I think so often we count ourselves ineffective because we look at other churches and Christians.  God calls us to be faithful, to love Him with everything that we have and are while reaching others for Christ.  Last year (2015) in Kentucky only 22% of the population polled said that they attend Sunday worship.  Let us look at our community as a mission field and pray for the Holy Spirit to lead us.

I used my time at Annual Conference not only for worship, attending meetings and workshops but also to pray for each of you and the vision of our mission statement to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.  God has spoken to my heart, and I am excited about the potential and the call that God has not only for my life but for each of you as well.  I will be posting updates in the near future so keep an eye on our Facebook page and our website for what God is doing and is about to do.

It is with a humble heart that I return to Germantown/Salem United Methodist Churches.


Bro. Kevin